Intellektuel ejendomsret: de 6 copyrights
Intellektuel ejendomsret. IP rettigheder. Om man kan lide det eller ej, så findes det og håndhæves det i nogle tilfælde i absurd grad.
Lifehack har en artikel om emnet: Shattering a few myths about copyright.
De 6 rettigheder er (oversæt selv):
1. Produce copies and reproductions of the work and sell them,
2. Import or export the work,
3. Create derivative works,
4. Perform or display the work publicly,
5. Sell or assign these rights to others,
6. Transmit or display by radio or video
Lifehack har en artikel om emnet: Shattering a few myths about copyright.
De 6 rettigheder er (oversæt selv):
1. Produce copies and reproductions of the work and sell them,
2. Import or export the work,
3. Create derivative works,
4. Perform or display the work publicly,
5. Sell or assign these rights to others,
6. Transmit or display by radio or video
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